Medical Mission Sisters in the UK
Healing Presence at the Heart of a Wounded World
Ayushya-Centre for Healing and Integration
March 2015
AYUSHYA is a Healing Centre designed to give holistic treatment and healthy living. It has an environment that balances prayer, solitude, leisure, group interaction and alternate therapies. All the programmes run by AYUSHYA help persons to enrich their body, mind and spirit. Ongoing weekly Healing and Wellness programme, Health, Healing and Wholeness Workshop and Psycho-nutritional cure camps address the chronic and Psychosomatic illnesses, through Psychotherapy and Emotional Body Work, Health Exercises and Nutrition Therapy. Meditation, Yoga, Stress Management, Laugh Therapy, Relaxation Therapy. Complementary and Alternative Therapies are integral part of Ayushya programmes.
Photograph showing zero-budget spiritual farming as part of the Psychonutrition food camp.