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Mission is about being sent, going out to others, going beyond ourselves, our own interests, our own comfortable surroundings, to respond to those in need. Mission calls us to move beyond boundaries - the boundaries of our church, culture and traditional value systems.


Moving beyond boundaries means being willing to be a stranger and a guest, entering a new culture and learning a new language, entering into dialogue and genuine friendship with those on the other side of the boundary, and being open to be changed by this experience. Very often it means accepting powerlessness and living on the margins.



Walking beyond boundaries

Walking beyond boundaries


Above all, mission calls us to recognise

how and where God's Spirit is already at work and to follow that lead...



"Walking beyond boundaries"


Medical Mission Sisters - UK
109 Clitherow Avenue
W7 2BL


+44 (0) 20 8567 1504

2014 © by Medical Mission Sisters

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