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A Society called to Mission 

Welcome to the website of Medical Mission Sisters in the Region UK! 

"Drawn by God

present in the centre of our being
and in all created life,
and in the spirit of Jesus,

sign of hope and contradiction,
we are women of many cultures and from many nations."

Medical Mission Sisters

"We are called
to be a healing presence

at the heart of a wounded world,
to witness to the integrity of all creation,
and to build one world
where the gifts of all people, all cultures,

all creation are affirmed and celebrated."



Medical Mission Sisters worldwide

"We rejoice in the Spirit inspiring us

through ritual celebrations

and life-giving rituals."


Medical Mission Sisters Constitution


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Our Mission is the promotion of health, healing and wholeness in the spirit of Jesus the Healer.

We live out this mission in 17 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America.

Medical Mission Sisters in the UK ...

...are a region of the Unit Germany-Uk and part of the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, an international congregation within the Catholic Church.







Medical Mission Sisters' News

Sr Jayshree renews her vows


"I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with loving kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3 Today Sr Jayshree Macwan renewed her vows in the Society of Medical Mission Sisters for two more years. Sr Jayshree comes from Gujarat, India and lives in the intercultural Springfield Community in London. With loving kindness she reaches out to the homeless and offers meditation and yoga classes in a safe house for...

Healing Presence in Covid-19 Pandemic


The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic continues affecting our world today. People are suffering and no one is spared. The pandemic leaves an impact on the way people live and behave – on relationships, health system, work, education, economy, nature and how our global system operates. Together with co-workers and other charities, Medical Mission Sisters are collaborating and supporting the vulnerable people in our society in...


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Medical Mission Sisters - UK
109 Clitherow Avenue
W7 2BL


+44 (0) 20 8567 1504

2014 © by Medical Mission Sisters

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